

Recently, iOS 7 was launched by Apple Inc. and packed with the new and fancy features, is a new look given to the iOS 7.

The old shiny, sparkling and lively user interface of the previous iOS versions have been replaced by a simple, flat and somewhat colorful iOS 7.

That being said, the new iOS 7 also includes a number of new hidden features that have been hidden from the average user, one of which is the background app refresh.

You can actually stop apps that you've allowed to refresh in the background from consuming your precious mobile data (MB).

Reasons why you might want to stop these apps from accessing your mobile data include:

1) You don't have an active mobile data plan yet.

2) Maybe you do have a mobile data plan, but it's not unlimited.

If your apps are data-suckers (which is the case for many iOS apps that need an active internet connection), then it won't take long before you are out of your monthly allotment. Turning off access to mobile data would surely help you reduce costs.

To do turn off apps access to mobile data, simply:

1) Launch your Settings app.

2) Navigate to Cellular

3) Scroll down to where you see a section titled; Use Cellular Data For: (you should now see a list of apps with toggle switches next to each one.

4) Turn off any of the apps that you want to stop from using your mobile data. You can do this by clicking in the toggle switch beside the app.

Additional Tip
To find out how and which if your apps are suckling your data the most, go to the same app list in step 3 above.
You'll  see “KB” or “MB” next to a number (under the app name) next to it. That is how much of your mobile data in Kilobytes (or Megabytes as the case may be)
that app has used.

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