

Did you know you can make your tweet on twitter dissappear after a specified time?

Well, thanks to ex-twitter engineer and webmaster, Pierre Legrain, you can now make your twitter tweets dissappear after a given time.

All you need to do is just head on to Twitterspirit web page, sign in with your Twitter account and you are good to go.

Now, here comes the big deal!
To make your tweet disappear after a given time use the harshtag (#) followed immediately by the time interval, after which time your tweet would disappear.

For example, 'This tweet would self destruct in #3m' simply means that in three minutes the tweet would dissappear.

Of course you can send whatever tweet you want and whatever time you want.

The time format should be like 2m, 4h, 5d for 2 minutes, 4 hours and 5 days respectively. So that when you tweet with harshtags such as #2m, #4h  or #5d, your tweet self destruct after that time.

Now it's over to you to thrill your tweeps with this fun Twitter hack found at Techcrunch.

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