
Hello there! I can imagine a lot of people giving up on getting their BlackBerry App World back on their phones after a series of trials; so I just decided to write a quick tutorial on how to get that done!

BlackBerry App World
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First off, I would like to explain what BlackBerry App World is :D! BlackBerry App World (or Blackberry World; as it's now known for) is the storefront of the popular BlackBerry smartphones. By storefront I mean app market; like we have the Ovi Store for Nokia, PlayStore for Android, App Store for iPhone and other related iOS devices etc.

Now, there might be a couple reasons why the BlackBerry App World or BlackBerry World (from now henceforth, the word App World shall be used in place of BlackBerry App World and BlackBerry World) might go AWOL on your device. Some of them include
  1. You where updating your App World and you suddenly lost connection...
  2. You just completed an OS upgrade.
  3. Some other reasons which I have not personally encountered.

Enough of the plenty talk and let's get you a solution to your problem. If your App World has gone missing, is going missing or would go missing ;) (for any reason whatsoever); here is one of two things you might want to do:

  1. Visit this link with your BlackBerry device to download the App World directly to your mobile device. Alternatively, you can
  2. Visit the this other link with your PC, and submit your email address in the box provided, hit submit and a link to download the App World would be sent to your email. This address MUST be integrated with your BlackBerry device.
That's all you need! So goodluck getting your App World back on your device. :-)

To ensure that your BlackBerry smartphone will support BlackBerry World™, it must have the following:

  1. BlackBerry® Device Software v5.0 or higher (Click Options then About or Device > About Device Versions to find your software version). Learn how to update your device software.
  1. A trackpad, trackball or touch screen.

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