
Samsung's mobile chat/messaging application, ChatON, has now reached 100 million users. the app was launched in October 2011, had just 50 million users as at May, 2013 and four months after have doubled their subscription base. This is a phenomenal growth t say the least.
This growth is as a result of increase in subscriptions from countries like China, US and India says the  Samsung Tomorrow's website. The ChatON is becoming more popular and hopes to increase the it's reach in the Middle-East and Europe (God knows when the'd be reaching out to Africa).
Samsung ChatON
Image Source: Samsung Tomorrow

Another reason for ChatON's growth is the accessibility on different Operating Systems, platforms and the support being offered across international markets. It also supports 63 different languages.

The ChatON service can be now accessed through PC’s, Samsung devices, and from all major devices’ OS such as Android, iOS, Blackberry and Windows Phone, as well. In additional the ChatOn offers the multi-screen capability, this new feature allows its users to sign-in on the system to five different devices by using on Samsung account ID.
Furthermore, the ChatOn’s success is that it comes preinstalled on most of the Samsung Galaxy Devices as Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4, Galaxy Note 3, Gear and Galaxy Camera.
In additional, the ChatON app’s UI has received a positive feedback for users who already use the application, and there are observed features such as the possibility simply drag and drop media files into a chat window, this ability is possible using the multi-window feature. Moreover, a powerful feature is that the users can create hand-written messages with S pen for Galaxy Note 3 device.
So over to you. do you use ChatON chat/messaging app? If you use it, why do you use it? What do you like and don't like about it?

If you don't, what are your reasons for not using it? Kindly leave your comments in the comment section below.

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  1. Haven't seen many people use it here in Malaysia. Most users over here use WhatsApp.

    1. Arianne, that's very true.
      Over here in Nigeria, most Samsung phone users would rather use WhatsApp and BBM than Chat ON.
      Thanks for visiting and dropping your comment. Hope you come back soonest

